Spiritual Growth Strategy

Discover – based on Luke 6:12-13- Pray like Jesus did to determine who has God placed in your life that He wants you to pour your life into. Caution: Sometimes we only think about the best and most qualified people around us, but remember Jesus chose ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

Develop – based on Matthew 28:18-20, We have to baptize our disciples, meaning, make sure they are identifying with Christ internally and living it out externally. We also have to teach them to obey everything Jesus commands. Inside a church building most people have the ability to behave like the church. However, when we spend life-on-life time together we get to use the world as our classroom and not just the building. I always say, if we are only going to teach people how to live the Christian life inside the building then we can’t complain about how they behave.

Deploy – based on Mark 3:14, He appointed twelve that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach. Jesus knew what He was preparing His disciples to do. He prepared them to reach the world with the Good News. Failure to prepare them to carry the baton was not an option. We have to disciple people as if the future of the Christian Faith depends on it because it does. Discipleship has to be more than a buzz word!

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  • 2043 Eastburn Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19138
  • Phone: 215-621-6907
  • info@greatcommissiononline.com
  • Sunday Mornings Worship at 11:00am


Our vision is to be the arms of God reaching out to people who do not know Christ personally. We also desire to welcome the children of God, who may have lost their way or who have no church home, to a warm loving setting for which they can come back to God.


  • 2043 Eastburn Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19138
  • Phone: 215-621-6907
  • gccupdate@comcast.net

  • Sunday Mornings Worship at 10:45AM

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