Spiritual Gift Test

The New Disciples class is focused on welcoming new believers into this faith community. We also welcome those who have come to GCC by way of other churches. This is a 12-week class that covers the vision, culture and doctrinal distinctives of life at GCC. After 12 weeks of classes the pastors welcome candidates for membership and invite them to become an active part of this local body of Christ. We offer the "right hand of fellowship" to those who are committed to the mission and values of Great Commission Church. 

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Contact Us

  • 2043 Eastburn Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19138
  • Phone: 215-621-6907
  • info@greatcommissiononline.com
  • Sunday Mornings Worship at 11:00am


Our vision is to be the arms of God reaching out to people who do not know Christ personally. We also desire to welcome the children of God, who may have lost their way or who have no church home, to a warm loving setting for which they can come back to God.


  • 2043 Eastburn Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19138
  • Phone: 215-621-6907
  • gccupdate@comcast.net

  • Sunday Mornings Worship at 10:45AM

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