Worship Hours: Sunday 1045am
2043 Eastburn Ave Phila PA 19138

Category: NEWS

Youth Basketball League

GCC is hosting a Youth Basketball League 6-730pm until Feb 25th at Simons Recreation Center. Ages 10-14. If you are interested in signing your child up please contact Brother Kevin Canty at 267-636-2040.

Annual Women’s Souper Fellowship

Ladies, please save the date and plan to join us for food, fun and fellowship on Sat Dec 14th from 11-1 for our Souper End of the Year Fellowship! Please sign-up to bring a food donation and make sure to wear your pajamas!


Our vision is to be the arms of God reaching out to people who do not know Christ personally. We also desire to welcome the children of God, who may have lost their way or who have no church home, to a warm loving setting for which they can come back to God.


  • 2043 Eastburn Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19138
  • Phone: 215-621-6907
  • gccupdate@comcast.net

  • Sunday Mornings Worship at 10:45AM

© Great Commission Church.

Website by LoveArts.